A Pollution Case Study: Love Canal
Industrial pollution affects many of the waterways throughout the United States. In this video, you will learn about the environmental cleanup project implemented in the Love Canal and the surrounding area to remove pollution. By administering safe industrial waste disposal processes for surrounding factories, workers were able to eliminate pollution from the canal.
If your industrial facility is in need of waste analysis services, be sure to contact Excel Industrial Group LLC. Our company offers quality industrial waste removal in Cypress, and we will make sure that your facility meets environmental regulations. Call us at (281) 213-3822 to receive a waste management quote from our experienced team .
What is In Situ Burning?
An oil or chemical spill is a serious emergency that requires prompt and effective environmental cleanup services. In order to contain oil that has spilled into a large body of water, a waste management team may rely on the process of in situ burning. The term “in situ burning” describes the technique of burning an oil slick before it has a chance to drift to the nearest shoreline. A cleanup crew will contain the oil using fireproof materials. Once the oil has been contained, it will be ignited and burned off. After the oil has completely burned, it will no longer pose an environmental threat.
At Excel Industrial Group LLC , we are able to respond quickly to your environmental cleanup emergency. When you are in need of industrial waste removal in Cypress, you can trust our team to meet all of your waste disposal requirements. To learn more about how we can help you create a waste management plan for your company, call us at (281) 213-3822.
Could Your Waste Be a Revenue Source?
When you set up waste management services for your business, you may want to consider whether your waste could provide a potential source of additional income. With careful chemical waste management, you may be able to sell your extra chemicals to other companies across the United States. By selling your excess chemicals, rather than disposing of them as a waste product, you can earn valuable income for your business. A waste management professional can help you figure out the logistics and benefits of selling your chemical waste to other companies.
If you are interested in learning more about chemical trading near Cypress, contact Excel Industrial Group, LLC by calling (281) 213-3822. Using our chemical trading services, you can turn your wasted chemicals into a profitable source of extra revenue for your business. To receive a waste management quote for your industrial operations, be sure to visit our website www.eigus.com so that we can get started on your chemical trading initiative.
What Is Asbestos?
Until very recently, asbestos fibers were used in many different industrial applications. When you perform industrial waste disposal for an older commercial building, it is important to be aware of the potential risk of asbestos exposure. A company that offers professional waste disposal services for industrial clients will be able to safely and effectively clear asbestos away from your site. To highlight the importance of proper asbestos disposal, let’s take a look at some essential information about this substance.
Asbestos comes from natural sources.
You may be surprised to learn that asbestos is found naturally in the Earth. For centuries, people used asbestos for construction and industrial applications. In its most basic form, asbestos is made out of microscopic fibers that are flame-resistant and incredibly durable. Due to its unique properties, asbestos became a popular material for insulation, floor tiles, and a variety of other products that were used throughout industrial spaces.
Asbestos is very hazardous.
Up until the middle of the 20 th century, the health dangers of asbestos exposure were not well documented. By the 1970s, however, asbestos was recognized as a cause of lung cancer and other deadly diseases, such as asbestosis. Even brief exposure to asbestos fibers can put a person at risk of developing serious health complications.
Asbestos must be removed carefully.
When asbestos is fully contained and not exposed to outside air sources, it is relatively harmless. However, when a patch of asbestos is unearthed, it can cause significant health issues for anyone who is not wearing protective gear. To avoid the dangers of asbestos exposure, it is important to hire a professional waste removal company for your project.
At Excel Industrial Group, LLC , we can provide you with expert asbestos abatement services serving Cypress. Whether you are in need of industrial waste removal or waste analysis for any of your industrial waste, we will be there to assist you. Give our company a call at (281) 213-3822 to schedule an initial assessment for your asbestos removal project.
What Happens to Unused Chemicals?
Chemicals can be sensitive and should be handled with care, but sometimes you might not use your entire storage. Although you might not have any use for the chemicals anymore, someone else probably will. Through chemical trading, you can find someone who needs what you have. Some chemicals can also be repurposed and used for different applications, but no matter what, it’s important that you dispose of your chemicals properly. Read on to learn a little bit about what happens to unused chemicals.
Chemical Trading
In order to save money and free up your finances, you should only order the amount of chemicals you’ll need. Sometimes you might overestimate your needs, however, and order too large of a quantity. Rather than letting your extra chemicals go to waste, look into chemical trading. You can talk to your environmental cleanup professionals to see if they can connect you with buyers who are looking for the chemicals you have. This way you can make some money back on what would otherwise be waste.
Most chemicals can serve more than one purpose, which means you might be able to use your chemicals for another purpose. If you can’t think of another use for your chemicals, someone else probably can. This is another advantage to chemical trading, as you don’t need to look for trading partners that are in the same industry as you are. In many cases, you can even get a return from your contaminated, distressed, or surplus chemicals.
Proper Disposal
If you decide to simply dispose of your unused chemicals, make sure you do it right . Call the industrial waste disposal professionals and have them take care of your inventory. They will ensure that the chemicals are disposed of in the safest and most environmentally friendly way possible.
When you have unused chemicals that you don’t want to take a total loss on, contact the professionals at Excel Industrial Group. We are environmental cleanup professionals who handle all kinds of waste management near Cypress, TX. Feel free to call us at (281) 213-3822 or stop by and see us for more on our chemical trading services.
Recovering Product After a Storage Mishap
Your waste management plan should account for accidents, since things can go wrong in storage. It’s always nice to have a backup, since things don’t always go according to your original plan. Feel free to read ahead for tips on recovering product after a storage mishap.
If you have to store chemicals then you have the possibility of a mishap in your storage area. All it takes is one wrong turn with the forklift and you could do some real damage to the products or have a potentially serious chemical spill. This can be extra difficult to deal with if you work with chemicals or other potentially hazardous materials. Fortunately, your industrial clean up specialists can help you recover your products. They can offer transportation, storage, and even sampling and analysis. They can then use their connections to find buyers for the products that you can no longer use.
If you want to be prepared for the worst , call Excel Industrial Group at (281) 213-3822. We specialize in industrial waste disposal and chemical repurposing, serving Cypress, TX. You can also check out our website or stop by and meet with us to learn about our land application projects and chemical trading services today.
Mesothelioma: The Symptoms of This Asbestos-Related Condition
Mesothelioma is a serious condition, and it affects many individuals who have worked with asbestos over long periods of time. Remember to have the environmental cleanup professionals handle asbestos for you, so you can avoid this disease. Watch this video to learn about the symptoms of this asbestos-related condition.
Although symptoms might not occur until decades after your last exposure to asbestos, it can potentially affect your respiratory system. You may experience painful coughing, pain in your chest, or trouble catching your breath. You might also notice sudden weight loss, problems with blood clotting, or pain in your abdomen. Be sure to meet with your doctor and explain your symptoms.
The professionals at Excel Industrial Group can help you avoid mesothelioma with our waste management services in Cypress, TX. Please visit our website or call us at (281) 213-3822 for a look at our material testing and industrial waste disposal services.
A Look at the Importance of Professional Industrial Waste Management
You should be concerned with waste management in commercial areas. When it comes to industrial waste disposal, you will need the professionals to help you out. The pros can help you keep your workplace and the environment safe, and they will ensure that the job is done right. Here’s a closer look at the importance of professional industrial waste management.
Maintaining a Safe Workplace
No matter what kind of waste you generate, a responsible waste management plan is a must. Waste builds up over time, and eventually, it can get in the way of your workspace. This can cause injuries as well as slow down productivity. A buildup of waste becomes even more dangerous if you deal with hazardous materials in the workplace. Industrial waste disposal professionals are trained to deal with all kinds of waste, so leave the job up to them.
Protecting the Environment
The same kinds of industrial waste that are dangerous to people are typically dangerous for the environment as well. If you don’t know how to handle industrial waste disposal in a responsible way, you could end up increasing your carbon footprint rather than decreasing it. By working with the environmental cleanup professionals, you can ensure that your waste makes it to a safe destination where it won’t harm the environment or the community.
Getting the Job Done
Not everyone understands waste management. Many times it is best to focus on your core business and leave industrial waste disposal up to someone else. Your waste management team can handle all kinds of disposal services, and they can even perform waste analysis. If you want to make sure the job gets done the right way, set up a plan with the industrial waste disposal professionals.
Are you ready to start working with the professionals in industrial waste disposal serving Cypress, TX? Contact Excel Industrial Group or visit our website. It’s our job to take care of all of your waste disposal needs. Call our environmental cleanup professionals at (281) 213-3822 to learn more about us today.
The Surprising History of Asbestos
Though you don’t see it used in new constructions today, asbestos was a go-to material for a long time. Now it warrants a call to the environmental cleanup professionals. Check out this video on the surprising history of asbestos.
Asbestos has been used for hundreds of thousands of years. From the Stone Age through ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, asbestos was used everywhere. People started noticing issues around 500 B.C., and the founder of the U.S.’s biggest asbestos manufacturing company actually died of what was likely asbestosis. Asbestos reached peak use in the 1970s, and its last mine was closed in 2002. It is now often removed from materials rather than added to them.
Excel Industrial Group takes care of environmental cleanup and waste disposal needs in Cypress, TX. If you need the help of a waste analysis professional, please feel free to visit our website or call us at (281) 213-3822.
How We Can Help Your Business with Waste Analysis
There isn’t much room for error when it comes to industrial waste disposal. At Excel Industrial Group, we offer the waste analysis services your business needs. We also have the experience it takes to give you the service you deserve. Continue on to find out how we can help your business with waste analysis.
If you want your business to be truly efficient, you should have a plan regarding waste analysis and management. The team at Excel Industrial Group is ready to help you with a wide range of waste analysis services. We can help you identify unknown substances and dispose of them safely, efficiently and take care of the paperwork as well. We can even help you characterize your waste, package your waste, and make sure you comply with all EPA regulations. If you need any help with waste analysis, talk to Excel.
When you need help with waste analysis near Cypress, TX, be sure to call Excel Industrial Group at (281) 213-3822. From chemical trading services to site assessments and EPA registration support, we are happy to help. Check out our website or stop by and see us for more information.