What Are the Dangers of Lead Exposure?
Before the dangers of lead exposure were noticed, lead was used in a variety of products and materials. Unfortunately, it was found that exposure to lead could contribute to serious health issues, especially if you already experience certain risk factors. Here’s a look at the causes, risk factors, and symptoms of lead exposure and why it’s important to call an environmental cleanup team.
Causes of Lead Exposure
Like asbestos, lead is no longer used in mainstream products. Lead was used in children’s toys, pottery, household furniture, and even paint for a significant amount of time. Many cases of lead poisoning have come from children ingesting paint chips and developing health issues. If you live in a house that was built several decades ago, there is a chance that you have lead-based paint in your home. You might also be exposed to lead at firing ranges, so gun enthusiasts should be careful.
Other Risk Factors
In addition to being a child and living in a house that was built in decades past, there are other risk factors that might make you more susceptible to lead exposure. Certain hobbies, like making stained glass, involve lead solder, and could impact your health. Additionally, immigrants and refugees from developing nations may have been exposed to lead. If you think you’re at risk for lead poisoning, contact your waste analysis company.
Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
The symptoms of lead poisoning tend to have different effects on people of different ages. Younger children might experience learning issues, lose weight, or sense pains in the abdomen. Adults should watch out for headaches, mood disorders, and high blood pressure. Always call your environmental cleanup professional if you suspect that you or someone else may be subject to lead poisoning.
Proper waste management near Cypress, TX can help you avoid the effects of lead exposure and keep your family protected. Please do not hesitate to call Excel Industrial Group at (281) 213-3822 or check out our website to learn about our chemical trading and lead abatement services.
Reasons You May Need Asbestos and Lead Abatement Services
Asbestos and lead often cause serious health issues, yet these materials can still be found in many industrial settings. If you suspect that asbestos may be present on a project you are completing then have environmental cleanup professionals test the material first. If anyone in your home is experiencing symptoms of asbestos or lead exposure, seek medical attention and then environmental cleanup. Please read on for reasons why you may need asbestos and lead abatement services.
Renovations and Remodeling
Before you start your project, find out if there are any hazardous materials within your area. You don’t want to expose yourself or other co-workers to harmful materials during the process. To be safe, call your waste management specialists to test your space for asbestos and lead. If they find anything, they can create a cleanup plan, and if they don’t, you can get started on your project right away.
Symptoms of Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos is no longer used because of the negative effects it has on people who have prolonged exposure to the material. Respiratory symptoms are the most common effects of asbestos exposure, since the problems come from inhaling the fibers. Symptoms include trouble breathing or swallowing and sounds during normal breathing. If anyone you know are experiencing respiratory symptoms or notices poor indoor air quality, call the environmental cleanup pros to test for asbestos.
Lead Paint
Just like asbestos, lead use in most materials stopped once its harmful effects were discovered. Older equipment may be coated with lead based paints. Be safe and call an environmental cleanup company to have it tested so you and your coworkers are safe working in your environment.
If you think you might have an asbestos or lead problem, call Excel Industrial Group at (281) 213-3822. From lead abatement services to waste analysis near Cypress, TX, our environmental cleanup professionals are happy to help. Visit our website to learn more about our services www.eigus.com .