• An Introduction to Soil Pollution

    An Introduction to Soil Pollution in Houston, TX

    Soil pollution can have a negative impact on plants, animals, the water table, and other environmental elements. When industrial factories do not practice proper waste management, their byproducts could enter the surrounding soil and cause pollution. With correct industrial waste disposal, it is possible to minimize soil pollution in Houston, TX.

    What Is Soil Pollution?

    Soil pollution is the contamination of soil by toxic chemicals, pollutants, hazardous waste, or contaminants in high enough concentrations that it poses a risk to human health or the ecosystem. While some contaminants occur naturally in the soil, soil pollution is caused by the introduction of higher levels of contaminants than are naturally present.

    What Are the Primary Causes of Soil Pollution?

    Understanding soil pollution and its causes can help your company design and implement a comprehensive prevention plan. All soils contain a natural level of contaminants like metal, phosphates, sulfates, nitrates, and organic compounds. If the levels of contamination exceed natural levels, the soil is polluted. The most common causes of soil pollution are anthropogenic and natural. Anthropogenic pollution is caused by man, while natural pollution is caused by wind, rainwater, soil disturbances, and animal activity.

    • Natural Pollution – Natural pollution is often caused by rainwater or water runoff, animal activity, wind, erosion, or soil disturbances.
    • Man-Made Pollution – Man-made pollution is by far the most common cause of soil pollution. Man-made pollution is caused by improper disposal of chemical and industrial waste, including manufacturing, agricultural, and pharmaceutical processes.

    Most Common Types of Soil Pollution in the U.S.

    Soil pollution is a combination of contaminants and pollutants. Pollutants can be natural or man-made. Contaminants are the byproducts of pollutants. Man-made pollutants are typically the result of agricultural practices, industrial and chemical manufacturing, or radioactive emissions. The most common types of soil pollution in the U.S. are:

    • Biological – Biological pollutants are non-native species introduced to the soil, such as contaminants from living organisms.
    • Agricultural – Agricultural pollutants include pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, slurry, debris, and manure.
    • Radioactive – Radioactive pollutants include radium, thorium, uranium, and nitrogen.
    • Urban – Urban waste includes garbage, dried sludge, sewage, and domestic and commercial waste.
    • Industrial and chemical – Industrial and chemical waste is generated by paper mills, oil refineries, mines, factories, petroleum production, and other processes. Pollution includes drugs and pharmaceuticals, hazardous waste, cement, glass, steel, and more.

    The most common soil contaminants are:

    • Arsenic
    • Copper
    • Herbicides
    • Insecticides
    • Lead
    • Mercury
    • Nickel
    • Pesticides
    • Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons
    • Zinc

    Understanding the Effects of Soil Pollution

    Soil pollution can cause illness, injury, and death to plants, animals, and humans. Soil pollution can increase the risk of illness or disease and affect the nervous and immune systems. Some of the most serious effects of soil pollution are:

    • Health problems like developmental disorders, brain damage, neurological conditions, nervous system conditions, and illness
    • Increased risk of certain cancers like leukemia
    • Damage to crops
    • Water and air pollution if soil pollutants wash into rivers or volatile compounds enter the atmosphere
    • Loss of habitats for wildlife and loss of biodiversity
    • Degradation of land
    • Loss of livelihood and economic downturn

    The Connection Between Industrial Waste & Soil Pollution

    Industrial waste is one of the leading causes of soil pollution. Industrial chemical waste contains toxins and hazardous materials that can contaminate soil, such as lead, zinc, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury. If industrial waste is not properly disposed of or if it leaks from buildings, trucks, or storage containers, it can cause soil pollution, water pollution, and air pollution. It’s crucial to have a comprehensive industrial waste management program in place at any facility that generates industrial chemical waste.

    Preventing Soil Pollution

    The most effective way to prevent soil pollution is to properly dispose of, recycle, or reuse chemicals or industrial byproducts. You can also reduce the use of certain contaminants like pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Some crucial ways you can prevent soil pollution are:

    • Reusing or recycling plastics, chemicals, and metals when possible
    • Properly disposing of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
    • Composting organic waste
    • Storing chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and manure properly
    • Using biodegradable and eco-friendly products
    • Using soil remediation services if you become aware of a spill or soil pollution

    Learn More About Soil Pollution and Remediation Solutions

    When you are seeking top-quality industrial waste disposal services or soil remediation services in Houston, TX, look no further than Excel Industrial Group, LLC. Our company can assist you with all of your industrial waste disposal needs, and we will make sure that your waste disposal methods are not causing pollution. To book a consultation with a waste analysis professional, call or contact us online.


  • What Are the Dangers of Lead Exposure?

    What Are the Dangers of Lead in Houston, TX?

    Lead is a naturally occurring element that is found in the earth. It has some beneficial uses and can be found in gasoline, paint, plumbing pipes, ceramics, batteries, and more. If lead was once used to manufacture so many different products, why is lead exposure dangerous? Lead exposure can cause serious health problems for humans and animals. In high enough levels, lead poisoning can cause seizures, coma, or death. Excel Industrial Group is here to expose the dangers of lead in Houston, TX.

    What Is Lead Exposure?

    Lead exposure occurs when a person or animal inhales lead powder, dust, or fumes or ingests lead through their mouth or skin due to contaminated food or water, lead on clothing or other surfaces, or cigarettes. Children are more likely to be exposed to lead because they put their fingers and objects in their mouths. They may also develop lead exposure from eating soil or lead paint. Adults can be exposed to lead through their jobs or hobbies. Lead poisoning occurs when high levels of lead build up in the body, typically over months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause problems, especially in children under six.
    Testing for Dangers of Lead Exposure by Excel Industrial Group in Houston, TX

    Understanding the Dangers of Lead Exposure

    There is no safe level of lead exposure for young children. Even at low levels, lead exposure can cause illness, mental and physical disabilities, developmental issues, muscle pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches, and stomach cramps. Lead poisoning or high levels of lead exposure can be deadly. The most common complications of lead exposure are:

    • Developmental disorders and growth delays
    • Cardiovascular problems
    • Seizures
    • Kidney disease
    • Anemia
    • Brain damage
    • Nervous system disorders
    • Reproductive health issues
    • Chronic pain

    Being Aware of Common Causes of Lead Exposure

    Children and adults can come into contact with lead via contaminated air, soil, water, and food. You can also be exposed to lead through batteries, gasoline, or lead paint. The most common causes of lead exposure are:

    • Paint
    • Batteries
    • Solder
    • Pipes
    • Pottery
    • Roofing materials
    • Imported cosmetics
    • Water pipes
    • Plumbing fixtures
    • Copper pipes
    • Food cans
    • Imported goods
    • Soil
    • Household dust
    • Imported toys
    • Herbal or folk medicines
    • Mexican candy
    • Chocolate
    • Bullets

    Risk Factors for Lead Exposure

    You may be more likely to be exposed to lead due to your age, environment, or occupation. The most common risk factors for lead exposure include:

    • Age – Young children are more likely to be exposed to lead.
    • Environment – People who live in older homes may be exposed to lead paint. You may also live or work in an older building that has contaminated soil or water.
    • Hobbies or Job – You may be more likely to be exposed to lead if you work with lead-based products, such as those used in furniture refinishing, making stained glass, working with batteries, construction, and radiator repair.
    • Use of Imported Goods – If you regularly use products from certain countries with less stringent manufacturing regulations, you may purchase food, cosmetics, supplements, medications, toys, jewelry, or other products that contain lead.

    Lead Exposure Symptoms

    Lead poisoning symptoms are different in infants, children, and adults. The most common symptoms of lead exposure in infants are:

    • Premature birth
    • Low birth rate
    • Slowed growth

    The most common symptoms of lead poisoning or exposure in children are:

    • Developmental and growth delays
    • Learning difficulties
    • Loss of appetite or weight loss
    • Fatigue
    • Irritability and mood swings
    • Abdominal pain, vomiting, or constipation
    • Hearing problems
    • Vision problems
    • Seizures

    The most common symptoms of lead exposure or lead poisoning in adults are:

    • High blood pressure
    • Cardiovascular problems
    • Kidney problems
    • Headaches
    • Memory and concentration issues
    • Joint and muscle pain
    • Mood disorders
    • Fertility problems
    • Miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature birth

    What to Do if You Recognize Symptoms of Lead Poisoning

    If you think you or your child has been exposed to lead, you should call 911 or make an appointment with your doctor right away. If you aren’t sure if a product you’ve used or been in contact with contains lead, you should call the National Poison Control Hotline.

    Why Choose Excel Industrial Group

    At Excel Industrial Group, we specialize in environmental cleanup services, including contamination spill services, soil remediation, excavation of contaminated soil, onsite soil solutions, environmental assessments, onsite sampling and testing, and waste analysis. If you suspect you have lead on your property, our team will respond quickly to assess the paint, soil, water, or other materials and determine if there is a threat. If we do find evidence of lead contamination, we offer lead remediation and waste management solutions. We have over 25 years of experience in hazardous waste disposal and are committed to providing efficient, safe, and cost-effective solutions.

    Learn More About Lead Abatement & Chemical Waste Management

    Proper waste management can help you avoid the effects of lead exposure and keep your family protected. Please do not hesitate to call Excel Industrial Group now or contact us online to learn about our chemical trading and lead abatement services.


  • What Is Chemical Repurposing?

    Chemical Repurposing in Houston, TX: What You Need to Know

    Chemical waste management is a crucial part of manufacturing and industrial processes in Houston, TX. When chemicals are reused or repurposed rather than being sent to landfills, we can reduce our environmental footprint, save money, and prevent chemicals from going to waste. During the chemical repurposing process, chemical materials are evaluated for volume, safety, and viability to determine if they qualify for possible reuse. Excel Industrial Group can facilitate this process by analyzing your chemical and industrial waste, telling you how it can be repurposed, and connecting you with the right buyers or chemical traders. We will then safely remove and transport your chemicals to the new owner.
    Chemical Repurposing Infographics by Excel Industrial Group in Houston

    What Is Chemical Waste?

    Chemical waste is any unused, unwanted, or leftover chemical material. Chemical waste can be classified as hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste, universal waste, or household hazardous waste. The rules and regulations surrounding how to handle, store, transport, and dispose of chemical waste depend on the type and amount of waste. Industrial waste is any waste produced by industrial activity that is no longer useful. It can be hazardous or non-hazardous and can be in solid, liquid, or gas form. Chemical and industrial waste can be generated by:

    • Manufacturing
    • Mining
    • Mills
    • Factories
    • Textile and leather production
    • Food processing
    • Power plants
    • Electronics manufacturing
    • Construction and demolition
    • Waste treatment and disposal facilities
    • Cleaning companies
    • Households/consumers

    What Is Chemical Repurposing?

    If chemical materials are still viable, they can be reused so they don’t end up in a chemical waste disposal facility. Ideal chemicals are ones that are unopened, unexpired, mostly full, and uncontaminated. The containers holding the chemicals must be in good condition and must contain the original manufacturer’s labels. Chemical waste repurposing may be possible for:

    • Acids
    • Alkalis
    • Acetone
    • Batteries
    • Ethanol SDA
    • Ethyl acetate
    • Ethylene glycol
    • Ferrous sulfate
    • Glycols
    • Hydrofluoric acid
    • Methyl ethyl ketone
    • Isopropyl Alcohol
    • Metals like lead and aluminum
    • Phosphoric acid
    • Plastics
    • Sodium hydroxide solution
    • Solvents
    • Some industrial byproducts
    • Sulfuric acid

    Repurposed chemicals can be used in many different ways:

    • Scented fragrances used in shampoo can be repurposed for creating perfume.
    • Mineral oil used by drug companies can be repurposed to make insect repellent.
    • Isopropyl alcohol used in medical devices can be repurposed by printing companies.
    • Surplus vitamins can be reused in water treatment plants.

    Why Is Chemical Repurposing Necessary?

    To reduce our environmental impact and limit the introduction of non-hazardous and hazardous chemicals into landfills and waste disposal facilities, we should commit to sustainable practices in an effort to create a circular economy. Some chemicals can be recirculated and reused, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and surfactants. Chemical repurposing can save money, reduce environmental impact, and reduce the amount of chemical waste that ends up in chemical waste management facilities. The benefits of repurposing industrial waste and chemical waste are:

    • Turn your unused chemical and industrial waste into an additional income stream for your company.
    • Help you find a safe, environmentally friendly way to dispose of your chemicals.
    • Reduce your environmental impact and make your company greener.
    • Reduce your need for chemical waste disposal services.
    • Save resources and money used to manufacture new chemicals.
    • Keeps potentially hazardous chemicals out of landfills.
    • Conserves natural resources.

    How to Repurpose Waste from Chemical & Industrial Processes

    Chemical waste management is crucial, as chemical and industrial waste can be hazardous and dangerous to the environment. Repurposing chemical waste keeps it out of landfills and allows it to find a second life. If the chemicals are viable, a chemical and industrial waste management company can connect you with a chemical trader or buyer. That company will negotiate a price, and the waste management company will arrange for the safe transportation of your chemicals to their new owner. Before chemicals can be repurposed, they must go through a stringent process:

    • Analysis of Chemical Purity – The chemicals must be analyzed to determine if they are of sufficient purity for their new application.
    • Established Efficacy or Viability – The chemicals must be tested to ensure they are still effective and viable.
    • Safety – The chemicals must be proven to be safe, not contaminated or tampered with, and in a container that is in good condition.
    • Properly Labeled – The chemicals must be properly labeled by their original manufacturer.

    Why Choose Excel Industrial Group

    If you are involved in a business that creates chemical industrial waste, it is essential that you have a waste management plan that complies with all local and federal regulations. Industrial waste can be chemical in nature and may be hazardous. Storing or disposing of unwanted industrial chemicals can create environmental hazards, but chemical waste can be kept out of landfills through chemical repurposing. With our chemical trading services, we can find buyers for your used or unwanted chemicals. Not only does this benefit the environment, but it can translate into extra income for your company. Acids, alkalis, and solvents are just a few of the types of chemicals that can be repurposed and used across different industries.

    Contact Us for Chemical Waste Management Solutions

    At Excel Industrial Group, we can help you turn potential waste into valuable resources for your company. We specialize in chemical waste management services, industrial waste transportation and disposal, waste analysis services, chemical waste transportation, and chemical trading. Call us now or contact us online to learn more.