Improper Waste Disposal Might Be Hurting Your Community & Company

Hazardous Waste Disposal in Houston, TX
As a business owner or operator, you likely have a lot on your plate, and proper waste disposal might not be very high on your list. Excel Industrial Group specializes in hazardous waste disposal for industrial and commercial companies in Houston, TX. We want to help you understand what happens to your commercial waste and how improper waste disposal could be hurting your company and community. Your business needs to be environmentally responsible to avoid penalties and stay green. Waste should be disposed of ethnically and legally. Knowing more about waste disposal can help your company implement better commercial waste disposal programs and policies to reduce your costs, improve your reputation, and be more responsible. Learn more about our industrial waste disposal services and get in touch with us for a quote.
Exploring the Waste Journey
Many business owners and operators don’t think much about the waste journey. That pen that you use to sign documents and write down ideas will eventually make its home in a landfill. Commercial waste is defined as any waste created during a commercial transaction or on a commercial property. Americans generate hundreds of millions of tons of waste each year. The first stop in the commercial waste journey is the waste transfer station. There, your waste gets sorted into the categories recyclable, non-recyclable, and hazardous. Workers salvage any recyclable items, and all the waste is loaded onto trucks or trains to arrive at a landfill, waste-to-energy plant, incinerator, or hazardous waste facility. The most common method of waste disposal is dumping waste into a landfill. The number of open landfills in the United States continues to reduce rapidly while waste generation increases every year. Incinerators are preferred in areas with limited land availability but are an expensive waste disposal method. Hazardous waste cannot be incinerated because it generates gas emissions that can negatively impact nearby wildlife and communities. Non-hazardous and organic waste can be used to generate electricity at waste-to-energy plants. Finally, hazardous waste is sent to hazardous waste facilities where it gets chemically treated or incinerated, altering its properties so it becomes safer to dispose of.
Creating Waste Initiatives
As a business, you are responsible for hazardous waste production. The best way to ensure your waste is disposed of properly and ethically is to work with a trusted waste management company like Excel Industrial Group. The EPA has strict guidelines in place to ensure your industrial waste is disposed of lawfully. Our waste specialists can perform a waste audit at your facility to determine your environmental impact and create a plan for proper industrial waste disposal.
The Negative Effects of Improper Waste Disposal
Dealing with waste disposal can be challenging for many managers. There are financial and ethical issues involved in disposing of industrial waste properly. Working with our team can help you combat the following adverse effects of improper waste disposal:
- Soil Contamination – Your glass, plastic, metal, and paper should end up at a recycling facility, but that doesn’t always happen. Contamination occurs when hazardous components are buried in the soil. Industries need to focus on solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, lead, and pesticides.
- Water Contamination – Water often contains several dissolved chemicals and gases. In some cases, neighborhood ponds, fountains, lakes, and drinking water taps can become contaminated.
- Extreme Weather – Decomposing waste produces harmful greenhouse gases that can lead to climate change. The chemicals rise in the atmosphere and trap heat, causing storms and typhoons.
- Air Contamination – The ozone layer is still a problem, even if you don’t hear as much about it now as you used to. Chemicals are released by burning plastic at landfills, and methane gas and other chemicals also contribute to air contamination.
- Animal & Marine Life – Dumping garbage or raw or untreated sewage can harm animals or marine life that comes into contact with it. Millions of marine lives are taken each year from consuming fishing lines, plastic bottles, cigarette butts, Styrofoam, and more.
- Human Damage – Children who live near waste management facilities, waste disposal workers, and employees who have contact with waste materials are all at risk. Fires at landfills create landfill gases that can be responsible for cancer and respiratory and visibility problems.
Get Your Industrial Waste Management Quote
Your company needs a partner to manage your industrial waste. Excel Industrial Group offers proper hazardous waste disposal methods so you can focus on running your business and allow us to do the rest. Contact us to get a quote for our full-service waste management services in Houston.