On-Site Waste Sampling & Analysis Services in Houston, TX

We Conduct On-Site Sampling & Analysis for Industrial Waste

When there is an industrial waste spill, environmental agencies need strict documentation on causes of contamination, sampling and analysis, and efforts towards clean up and disposal. The Excel Industrial Group in Houston, TX, offers a full range of on-site sampling and analysis services for all types of manufacturers and commercial entities. We conduct a full battery of tests for waste contamination and toxic materials and provide complete analysis and findings to satisfy all state and federal laws. Call us today for more information.


Why is Sampling & Analysis Important?

Professional from Excel Industrial Group Performing On-Site Waste Sampling in Houston, TX
The government has passed many preservation acts to protect humans and the environment. These acts determine the storage, treatment, and disposal of various types of industrial waste. They also exist to conserve energy and natural resources by reducing the amount of generated waste. If your company handles hazardous wastes, you must be able to show you safely and effectively meet these guidelines. Having a waste analysis plan helps you meet those requisites and makes practical sense for many additional reasons:

  •  Shows a Specific Plan: Your waste analysis is part of your step-by-step protocol for handling hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste. It is important to know what type of materials you are handling, how you are treating or disposing of them, and the levels of waste you were generating before and after the spill.
  • Satisfies Reporting Needs: Official environmental guardians such as the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require full sample analysis within 24 hours of a spill to avoid imposing fines and sanctions.
  • Streamlines Industrial Processes: A waste analysis plan standardizes overall industrial waste management at your facility. This process helps with compliance with regulations you must follow, including record keeping, inspections, emergency preventions, and others.


Our Sampling & Analysis Gives You Results You Need

 At Excel Industrial Group, we offer a wide range of environmental sampling and analysis services for manufacturing companies, oil and gas suppliers, and many other industrial businesses nationwide. Excel personnel help identify what may be hazardous waste or toxic materials present at various site chemical spills. We also help to facilitate future assessments, and determine regulatory monitoring, and appropriate waste disposal methods according to the law. These testing environments include but are not limited to:

  • Waste:  Industrial waste sampling and analysis is the primary form of testing our company conducts. Our technicians can help identify what waste materials at your site may be hazardous, by characteristic, listed hazardous wastes, as well as Class 1 and Class 2 non-hazardous waste. Some of the tests conducted are to see if materials may be or show the characteristic of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and overall toxicity.
  • Soil: Our soil sampling and analysis look for the root causes of soil pollution, including petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides, lead, and other heavy metals. We various techniques to retrieve our samples then analyze them in an approved lab to determine trace amounts and soil toxicity.
  •  Water: Comprehensive water sampling and analysis requires a close examination of either groundwater or stormwater specimens. Our groundwater collection involves removing stagnant water from a well immediately before testing in a process called purging. We then test this water for bacteriological and chemical quality, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity. We collect stormwater from the runoff from your Industrial facility. Our regular inspections and visual assessments measure pollutant concentrations, discharge and effluent limits, and contact between stormwater and pollutant sources.


Trust Our Sampling & Analysis Experts

On-Site Waste Sampling and Analysis Services in Houston, TX
Excel Industrial Group has more than 25 years of waste sampling and analysis experience. Working with us, you have an advocate on your side that can streamline your processes and ensure compliance on local, state, and federal levels.  Our company helps with state and EPA registration support, complete waste sampling, profiling, and analysis to identify unknown substances, paperwork and logistical coordination, and more. Whether you seek on-site sampling and analysis for your hazardous waste or a full range of disposal solutions, our company offers both planned and 24-hour emergency responses. We pride ourselves on efficiency, fast and accurate on-site assistance to businesses in Houston, TX, and across the country. Our one goal is to keep you and your employees safe and in compliance after a chemical spill. Call us today for more information.


Contact Us for Complete Sampling & Analysis

You cannot afford to put your company at risk after a potentially toxic spill. You need full on-site waste sampling, analysis, and support to ensure total compliance with governing agencies and effective remediation solutions. Trust in Excel Industrial Group’s proven process and let us get the results you need to protect your commercial interests. Call us today for your initial consultation.

Why Choose Us?

  • We Excel At Efficiency
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Experts In Managing Waste, Chemical & Co-Product Needs