Crude Oil Recycling in Houston, TX

Industrial Crude Oil Reclamation

The team at Excel Industrial Group collects, processes, and recycles/reclaims crude oil from a wide range of industries throughout Houston, TX. There are many different types of oils and liquid wastes that require precise handling while adhering to strict regulations and practices. Our refining process recycles crude oil into new, high-quality oils that can go on to better serve all industries rather than creating more waste. We collect and reclaim all types of crude oil from the following resources and more:

Workers Recycling Crude Oil at Excel Industrial Group in Houston, TX

  • Glycols
  • Solvents
  • Used engine oil
  • Air filters
  • Oily rags and absorbents
  • Paint gun fluids
  • Plastic containers
  • Washer fluids
  • Lead/acid batteries


How Does It Work?

Recycling crude oil is an in-depth process that requires following strict regulations and practices to protect our environment and products. The process can be summarized by our step-by-step guide:

  1. We test all crude oil to ensure its recycling ability.
  2. We dehydrate, de-fuel, distill and hydrotreat the oil to return it to its original, refined state. This removes all contaminants and additives from the oil as well as reduces the aromatic content, carbon residue, sulfur, acidity, and nitrogen content.
  3. We end up with base oils with higher concentrations of saturates. This also contains improved oxidation, color, and stability.
  4. We then sell the oils to lubricant blenders and all types of oil companies.


Wide Range of Industries

Just as our hazardous waste management services transcend many industries and markets, so do our crude oil recycling services. We serve the following industries in Houston, TX, and the surrounding area businesses:

Transportation & Heavy Equipment

  • Trucking, fleet, and businesses with other heavy transportation needs and requirements that generate crude oil
  • Government and institutional fleet management and operations
  • Mining and heavy equipment industries


  • Independent and corporate gas stations
  • Automotive service centers and repair shops
  • Corporate and independent oil changing garages
  • OEM dealerships

Industrial Companies

  • Manufacturers & fabricators
  • Recycling operations
  • Pulp & paper industry companies
  • Refineries
  • Oil & gas companies
  • Fuel distributors


What Waste Do You Accept?

There are many different types of acceptable non-hazardous waste that we can recycle. They include:

  • Completion fluids
  • Freshwater
  • Saltwater
  • Rainwater
  • Oil spill waste
  • Pipeline water
  • Salvageable hydrocarbons
  • Washout water


Why Work With Us?

Since 1997, Excel Industrial Group has been providing exceptional and ethical waste management solutions throughout Texas. We create cost-effective ways to recycle crude oil with as little involvement on your part as possible, allowing you to continue operation with minimal interruption. We also collect all types of waste produced by your production. From there, we can supply your team with reclaimed and recycled oils and other products, letting you save money and be more ethically responsible. Our team can help your team build your corporate profile. We provide you with materials to promote your environmentally responsible tactics and operations! Finally, we continue to help protect the environment with our efforts, collecting crude oil and waste to reduce the amount that goes into the natural environment. Excel Industrial Group is dedicated to preserving our planet through ethical and responsible waste management and recycling. Contact us today to request your quote.

Why Choose Us?

  • We Excel At Efficiency
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Experts In Managing Waste, Chemical & Co-Product Needs