Soil Remediation Services in Houston, TX

Contaminated Soil Cleanup and Excavation

Hazardous materials can leave the environment uninhabitable for years if left untreated. Excel Industrial Group provides soil remediation services for industries. Soil remediation is also required anytime soil has been affected by a contaminant from events such as roadway accidents, oil spills, tank releases, or many types of manufacturing processes. Our soil remediation team has years of experience and works with the latest technology and techniques to provide you with reliable, affordable, and effective results. We deal with pre-spill conditions, pollution, and environmental cleanup of all sizes, for all types of industries. Contact us today to receive more information on our services.


Our Services

Workers from Excel Industrial Group Performing Soil Remediation in Houston, TX
Modern technology and techniques have made soil remediation more efficient than ever. There are many different services included in soil remediation. Excel Industrial Group LLC offers a wide range of them depending on your needs. Here are some of the many soil remediation services we provide for facilities throughout Houston:

  • Pump and treat groundwater extraction
  • Chemical oxidant injection
  • Soil vapor extraction
  • Dual-phase extraction
  • Bio-slurp and bio-sparge
  • In-situ oxygen curtain sparge


Types of Soil Remediation

There are many different types and styles of soil remediation. We’ll apply the correct method depending on your needs, industry, size, and more. Our soil remediation types include:

  • Excavation
  • Disposal
  • In-situ treatment
  • Soil vapor extraction
  • Phytoremediation
  • Bioremediation
  • Thermal desorption
  • Soil mixing
  • Tank pit flushing


Importance of Soil Sample Collection

One of the first aspects of soil remediation is collecting a soil sample and conducting an in-depth analysis. This provides a better look at a composite sample of the soil for commercial, or industrial properties. We send these samples back to our lab to give us an accurate estimate of your soil’s health and fertility. As a result, we’ll be able to remedy your soil’s contaminants more effectively.


Restoring Soil Health

After finding contaminated soil on your property, we have many different techniques to treat it. If you have lower contaminant levels, we may suggest bioremediation. This natural process introduces microorganisms and nutrients into the contaminated soil to stimulate growth while the natural microorganisms begin to break down the contaminants.

If your soil has a higher level of contamination, we may suggest a chemical soil remediation technique. This involves treating your soil with chemical additives, segregating, and removing particularly contaminated areas. As you can see, the testing stage is vital in providing you with the most effective and cost-effective method of decontaminating your facility’s soil.


Contaminated Soil Removal and Disposal

Workers in Safety Gear Performing Soil Remediation at an Industrial Site in Houston, TX
If your soil is far too contaminated, sometimes the best course of action is to remove and dispose of the soil entirely. This eradication process assures that you can remove the contaminants without further contaminating other areas or the situation getting worse. We will recommend this process if your contaminated soil is near the surface or you have a smaller area of contaminated soil. We remove, transport, and dispose of your contaminated soil while following strict guidelines and regulations appointed by Texas in emergency response to biohazard, hazardous waste, and pollution cleanup laws.


Contact Us Today

Whether you’re planning a new project or had a recent contamination on your facility, call us as soon as possible. We provide fast, effective, efficient, and affordable soil remediation services to eradicate contaminants and lower your impact on the environment. It all starts with an assessment and soil testing to understand the severity of the situation. Act now before your contamination has time to get worse. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Us?

  • We Excel At Efficiency
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Experts In Managing Waste, Chemical & Co-Product Needs