Chemical Spill and Cleanup Services in Houston, TX

When your facility is plagued by an industrial spill or containment tank leaks, Excel Industrial Group is here to help. Protect your business and mitigate the consequences of these unexpected hazards with our oil spill and cleanup services. We’re here to restore the sanitation and safety of your establishment in Houston, TX.

Protect & Restore Your Industrial Facility

Chemical spills and tank leaks are widespread problems. These events pose an immediate risk to employees and nearby equipment and can result in environmental contamination. To preserve the integrity of your facility, the health of the environment, and occupant safety, timely and professional chemical spill and cleanup services are required.

What Is a Chemical Spill Cleanup?

Many industrial facilities use large-scale containment tanks as well as smaller containers to store oil and other chemicals. When these tanks leak or spill, a professional intervention, known as a chemical spill cleanup, is required to restore the safety of the affected area. This process involves isolating and removing the spilled substances, decontamination, and site restoration.

How a Chemical Spill Occurs

Chemical Spill Cleanups Process in Houston, TX
To understand how a chemical spill occurs, you must first assess how the chemical is stored. Chemicals may be stored in underground containment applications near the industrial structure or in an indoor or outdoor, above-ground tank. Common reasons for tank spills include:

  • Excess corrosion
  • Insufficient maintenance
  • Human error
  • Mechanical malfunctions
  • Natural disasters

How to Cleanup Spills

Chemical spill cleanup procedures are a significant undertaking. Due to the compliance regulations, health and safety hazards, and the mere size of these accidents, facilities cannot handle these cleanup processes on their own. That’s where Excel Industrial Group’s qualified experts and oil spill and cleanup services come in.

Preventative Tank Cleaning Services

Excel Industrial Group provides effective tank cleaning services for industrial facilities across varying sectors. Our comprehensive approach alleviates contaminants to promote optimal tank safety and reliability. Combining our cleaning process with a thorough inspection, we are equipped to detect and address minor concerns to mitigate the risk of spills and leaks.

Professional Tank Spill Cleanup Solutions

In the event of chemical spill, Excel Industrial Group uses our expertise to restore your facility. With their advanced training, our qualified professionals understand the urgency of prompt and effective cleanup solutions. Trust in our team for timely and compliant spill remediation services.

Multi-Step Tank Spill Cleanup Procedure

Excel Industrial Group employs a multi-step tank spill cleanup procedure to ensure safe site remediation and minimal operational downtime. Our process includes:

  • Proactive spill assessment
  • Spill containment using absorbent materials and barrier placement
  • Floating oil removal
  • Application of mats or granular absorbents to remove oil from soil and surfaces
  • Comprehensive bioremediation process
  • Decontamination and cleaning

Tailored Chemical Removal & Absorption Techniques

Our oil spill cleanup procedure begins with a site assessment to develop effective remediation plans. This enables us to detect vulnerabilities and areas that may require specialized care. To prevent contamination, spreading, and leftover residue, we may use various absorption techniques, such as absorbent pads, granular absorbents, or, in severe situations, oil spill dispersants.

A Focus on Safe Disposal

Safety and environmental protection are at the core of our procedures at Excel Industrial Group. Once oil has been absorbed and removed, we carefully transfer the contaminated materials and absorption products to safeguarded containers. This prevents cross-contamination and environmental damage and ensures proper disposal practices that align with regulatory compliance standards.

Choose Excel Industrial Group

As Houston, TX’s premier industrial remediation company, Excel Industrial Group provides rapid response, hands-on support, and comprehensive oil tank spill cleanup services. With a focus on environmental protection and safety, our experienced experts lead with the utmost safety and professionalism. Employing advanced technology, equipment, and techniques, trust in our effective and compliant tank spill cleanup procedures.

Contact Us for Industrial Spill & Containment Tank Cleanup

With years of industry expertise and a reputation for advanced spill cleanup procedures, Excel Industrial Group is here to preserve, protect, and restore your industrial establishment. Count on our team to deliver reliable solutions and expedited care. To learn more or schedule service, contact our experts in Houston, TX, today.

Why Choose Us?

  • We Excel At Efficiency
  • Over 25 Years of Experience
  • Experts In Managing Waste, Chemical & Co-Product Needs